Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Did you see this review? (And a new bit of news)

The lovely Karly Kirkpatrick read and reviewed Summoning on her blog awhile back (see what a terrible blogger I can be?). I tend to agree with just about everything she says:

Karly's Blog

Hop on over and be sure to tell Karly what a genius she must be  . . .

In other news, I'm working on getting a series (my first series!) ready for the epublishing. Hopefully, the first book will be available this summer with the sequel to follow by Christmas.

That's all I'm going to say for now, except that this story includes WereCreatures, ghosts and a mansion that constantly shifts and changes. And beware of townsfolk bearing torches and pitchforks!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Virtual Book Signing

Today is the Official Launch Day for my new book for 9-12 year olds, Murphy's Law! Time to CELEBRATE!

Here's the cover:

Here's the story line:

All 11-year-old Murphy McKenna wants is a chance at a normal life – one where people aren’t locked in lockers, don’t throw red jello all over their classmates, never fall from second-story windows into the hedges and certainly don’t believe in (much less talk to) fairies. When Bram Worthington, the most popular guy in school, hires the I’ll-Detect-Anything Detective Agency, Murphy thinks she’ll finally get her wish. But MURPHY’S LAW hasn’t been rewritten just yet.

Now, here's the celebration part -- I'm going to have a Virtual Book Signing! 
Since Murphy's Law is available as an e-book only, it would be hard to sign copies of the actual book. So, I thought I'd try the next best thing. I have about 50 post cards featuring the cover for Murphy's Law. If you'd like a signed copy of Murpy's cover, here's all you have to do: 

1. Send me your address at debi l faulkner (at) g mail (dot) com (without all the spaces, of course and substituting the appropriate symbols). 
2. Let me know if there's a specific name you'd like me to mention (if you don't include a name, I'll make the signature generic). 

That's it. I'll send out a signed copy to your address! Then, I will delete your address from my email account without sharing it with anyone for any reason. 

Come celebrate with me, and get your signed copy of Murphy's Law!